Problem-Solving Courts Resource Library
Problem-Solving Court Publications
In accordance with Section 910.035(5), Florida Statutes, the Office of Problem-Solving Courts within Florida’s Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA), publishes A Guide to Transferring Florida’s Problem-Solving Court Cases. The purpose of the guide is to assist judges, magistrates, court staff, and attorneys with transferring cases between jurisdictions effectively and efficiently. Currently, the guide includes information on adult drug courts, pretrial juvenile drug courts, mental health courts, and veterans courts.
Section 43.51, Florida Statutes, requires the OSCA to provide an annual report on problem-solving courts to the Legislature and sets forth specific requirements for reporting. Information related to the operation of Florida's problem-solving courts (e.g., participants served, services provided, funding sources) can be found in the 2024 Florida Problem-Solving Courts Report.
National Problem-Solving Court Websites
All Rise (Previously the National Association of Drug Court Professionals)
All Rise - Treatment Court Institute
Children and Family Futures - Family Treatment Courts
National Center for State Courts
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
National Treatment Court Resource Center